An interview with Jim Cassidy, the President of One Nation in New South Wales. This continues our series of interviews with people from different political movements and organisations. 1. What motivates you in politics? The moving offshore of Australian industry via the Lima Agreement under Whitlam started me off, then the sale of the people’s […]
Archives for May 2008
Facing jail to save your daughter
Andrew Guild reviews “Drugs Despair Deliverance: Operation Osterley” by Perry Jewel — the true story of a parent’s battle to rescue his daughter from a life of drugs, but was charged with kidnapping as a result. Seeing your teenage or grown-up child become addicted to drugs must be one of the most heart-breaking experiences that […]
Some thoughts on the Second World War and after
Jim Price discusses the reasons why so many Australians joined up to fight during World War Two. When we enlisted for service most of us thought the main reason for going to the war was to defend the British Empire, our independence, our sovereignty, our way of life, and to keep our people predominately one […]
The dereliction of democracy in Australia
Darrin Hodges talks about the (lack of) opposition response to the Rudd government and how the Liberal Party no longer represents a viable opposition – thus denying true democracy to the people. Kevin Rudd’s “Sorry Day” speech and the way he successfully co-opted the so-called Opposition and subsequent “Opposition” back downs over the Pacific Solution […]
Healthy communities in rural Australia
Mark Wilson writes about his experience of country living for nationalists. I wrote an earlier article on this subject whilst living in Sydney and at the time had never lived in a rural community. In effect, this is Part Two of that article. [The article, “Healthy Mind: Healthy Body” by Mark Wilson is available on the […]
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