Destiny magazine, issue 5

Destiny magazine, issue 5

Issue Five Includes:

  • A festival of kindred spirits
    Mark Wilson shares his experiences of attending the biggest pro-European Identity gathering in Britain – the Red White & Blue Festival, an annual event organised by the British National Party.
  • The Youth – The Movement!
    Tommy Johnson writes on the future of Australian youth, the problems they face, and their right to preserve their ethnic identity, culture and heritage.
  • For the greater good
    An interview with Richard Barnbrook, the British National Party’s representative on the Greater London Assembly. This continues our series of interviews with people from different political movements and organisations.
  • Public health – Yet another need for CIR
    Andrew Phillips discusses the need for Citizens Initiated Referenda to enable people to influence government decisions on policies that affect their local communities.
  • The British connection
    Continuing this issue’s focus on Australia’s relationship with the British Isles, Andrew Guild looks at some aspects of the British influence on Australian culture and our way of life.
  • Professor Fraser speaks out
    An interview with Professor Andrew Fraser, retired from Macquarie University. This continues our series of interviews, giving our readers new information from different political viewpoints.
  • The election of Barack Hussein Obama
    Mark Wilson gives his view on the recent US presidential election.
  • Global economic crisis threatens Australia’s future
    Darrin Hodges discusses the current economic crisis and its effects upon Australia.
  • Middle Eastern crime in Australia
    An exposé of the problems our nation is experiencing with crime from certain elements of those of Middle Eastern (predominantly Muslim) ethnicity.
  • Water Fuel meetings
    Adrian Barnett looks at the public interest now being shown in developing fuel alternatives.
  • Kevin Rudd – Say sorry to me!
    N.B. Smith brings a different viewpoint to the controversy over the apology to the “stolen generation” and asks why the government does not extend the same courtesy to people of all races in Australia.
  • Quotes of note
    [Quotes on patriotism, freedom, and ethnic identity in some Western societies.]
  • Media success in election campaign
    Darrin Hodges comments on the recent NSW council elections.
  • Policing issues
    Terrence Odgers discusses matters of concern regarding the police force, the effects of the Wood Royal Commission, and their impact upon present-day policing and services to the public.
  • More quotes of note
    [Quotes on multiculturalist hypocrites in Western societies.]
  • Letters to Destiny

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