Continuing this issue’s focus on Australia’s relationship with the British Isles, Andrew Guild looks at some aspects of the British influence on Australian culture and our way of life. The Australian culture has been influenced by European nations since white people first settled here in 1788. Whilst the most important element of our national culture […]
Public health — Yet another need for CIR
Andrew Phillips discusses the need for Citizens Initiated Referenda to enable people to influence government decisions on policies that affect their local communities. As many South Australian readers might remember, the campaign to get C.I.R. (Citizens’ Initiated Referenda) a fair hearing in this state was steamrolled right from the start some years ago by the […]
The Youth — The Movement!
Tommy Johnson writes on the future of Australian youth, the problems they face, and their right to preserve their ethnic identity, culture and heritage. Australian youth are the future of Australia and the future of the nationalist movement. It is in the spirit and passion of the youth that we will see a turn in […]
A festival of kindred spirits
Mark Wilson shares his experiences of attending the biggest pro-European Identity gathering in Britain – the Red White & Blue Festival, an annual event organised by the British National Party. Recently, I travelled to the United Kingdom and made contact with representatives of the most successful nationalist party in the English-speaking world, the British National […]
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