Darrin Hodges comments on the recent NSW council elections.
The recent NSW council elections, and my participation in them, was certainly an interesting experience, and though the actual results would seem disappointing (333 votes or 2%) it was a huge success in terms of getting publicity for the Protectionist Party – beyond our expectations [1].
I was interviewed for SBS news, 2SER FM (radio for the chattering classes and left-wing students in the Sydney metro), the local paper, the Sydney Morning Herald (before and after the election), the Canberra Times, syndicated papers and numerous blogs including Margo Kingston’s (from “I’m not happy John” fame and former Fairfax hack) Web Diary blog, where one person opined [2]:
“I am aghast, in fact, that anyone could run on an openly racist ticket. It ought not to be possible at any level of democratic governance to run on a platform of racial or ethnic vilification, exclusion of discrimination.” (Submitted by Anthony Nolan on September 19, 2008 – 11:17pm.)
People like Anthony only believe in democracy when people vote for the sacred cows of political correctness and multiculturalism. Any person, especially if they are white, who goes against the prevailing orthodoxy must be locked up.
It’s interesting to note that the Anthony Nolans of the world didn’t seem to complain about the campaign by Maxine McKew and the Labor Party to mobilise Asians against Howard in the federal seat of Bennelong during 2007 federal election [3].
Despite the Howard government being accused of racism by the chattering classes, the Howard government had the highest immigration levels of any previous government, this ultimately was Howard’s undoing as his own seat had become Asianised.
The goal of participating in the election was not the expectation of actually getting elected, but to garner the media exposure to allow us to broadcast our ideas, to put some yeast in with the unleavened bread so to speak – something which leftists fear and hate – to arouse a nationalist spirit in the public. One Nation broke a lot of ground in breaking the taboo of talking about immigration and now we build on those foundation stones and work to normalise the discussion on why it’s important that Australia must remain a predominantly white country and why it matters.
What we must do, particularly at this crucial time in world history, is spread the word.
[References added to the on-line article:]
[1] “Tough times suit a right lurch”, Canberra Times, 2 August 2008
“Ballot dare ‘the pits’ ”, Sutherland Shire Leader, 21 August 2008
“Candidates – Sutherland Shire Council”, Sutherland Shire Leader, 25 August 2008
“Candidates play white Australia card”, Sydney Morning Herald, 3 September 2008
“Council Candidates Play Race Card”, Razors Edge, 2SER FM, 6 September 2008
SBS World News, 9 September 2008
“Right, but not ‘racist’ ”, Sutherland Shire Leader, 11 September 2008
“Locals oppose Muslim school”, Sydney Morning Herald, 26 September 2008
[2] Suheil Damouny. “Cronulla Revisited”, WebDiary, [19 September 2008]
[3] Kathy Marks. “Will a former TV presenter plot John Howard’s end?”, The Independent, 14 November 2007
Margot Saville. “How Maxine beat John: McKew reveals winning tactics Brisbane Times”, 14 December 2007
Piers Akerman. “A toxic race to top”, Daily Telegraph, 19 December 2007
Piers Ackerman. “McKew’s tactics toxic”, The Mercury, 24 December 2007
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