Destiny magazine, articles list

A listing of all the articles published on this site.
All articles from issues 1 to 7 are available.
Some selected articles from the latest issues are also available.

Destiny magazine, issue 9

  • Free Trade Agreements — It can be done, but is it moral?
    Andrew Phillips looks at the impact of free trade agreements upon the future of the Australian fruit-growing industry.
  • Quotes of note — Economic protectionism
  • Aussies Forever!
    [verse composition]
  • Quotes of note — Journalism and the media
  • Dark days ahead
    Terrence Odgers considers the dark possibilities of internet censorship by governments.
  • The destruction of our nationhood
    Chris Steele gives his opinion on the impact upon Australia of the mass immigration programmes implemented by Liberal and Labor governments from 1966 to the present.
  • Working collaboratively to build a stronger nation
    An interview with Joshua Ferguson on issues facing Australia, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
  • Our other Anzac Day
    Terrence Odgers tells of his Anzac Day trip to Villers-Bretonneux and makes the point that there are many times and places where our military forces fought that should be remembered.
  • Neville the useless patriot
    A look at some of those who say they will be in the fight to save the nation, but who then create an easy way out for themselves or who are otherwise useless in the real fight.
  • I wanna be a Neville!
    [Some verse by The Bandicoot]
  • The Kimberley Column
    Gareth Kimberley gives his views on some of the issues that have been happening around the country.
  • True Finns: More success for patriots in Europe
    [A look at the successes of the True Finns party in Finland and of various other patriotic parties overseas.]
  • The democratic foundations of Australian nationalism
    Andrew Guild looks at the historical basis for the democratic impulse within the ethos of Australian nationalism and as part of the wider context of Western Civilisation.
  • Letters to Destiny

Australia, land of sunshine, land where I first drew breath,
My love for you is woven into my heart till death;
The smell of gums and blackboy, the earth baked ’neath the sun –
The land seems like a part of me, our destinies are one.
~ Ray, from “Song of Australia”, 1945

Destiny magazine, issue 8

  • Rise up Australia
    [Some verse by by Barry Dunn]
  • Wake up Australia!
    Terrence Odgers looks at the dangers of cultural pluralism to Australian society and exposes some of the myths underlying the political ideology of multiculturalism.
  • How egalitarians are leading us into a new dark age of dogmatism and ignorance
    Darrin Hodges writes about egalitarians, political correctness and modern-day heretics.
  • The price of freedom is eternal vigilance
    Jim Price puts forward his views on important issues facing Australia, as well as outlining his time in the Australian Army during the Second World War. This continues our series of interviews, giving readers new information from different political viewpoints.
  • Anzac Day
    [Some verse by Mr. J. John (Royal Navy, 1939-1945)]
  • Australian Protectionism — A politically central position
    Andrew Phillips considers the issues of Left-Right politics and places sensible nationalism in the centre of the political spectrum.
  • A comparison of political differences
    A brief look at some Left-wing and Right-wing policies, compared with Centrist policies.
  • Quotes of note — Left and Right politics
  • It’s time to ZIP up the borders!
    Andrew Guild presents the argument for a Zero-net Immigration Policy to protect Australia’s future and save our nation’s way of life.
  • Policing issues, part three
    Terrence Odgers gives us the third and final instalment of his series of articles on policing issues, looking at issues of morale, political correctness, trust and respect.
  • The banking system and credit creation
    George Price puts forward his views on some of the problems of the credit-based underpinnings of our banking and monetary system.
  • Quotes of note — Banking
  • Letters to Destiny

More rotten grew each government that smirched Australia’s name;
They hounded true Australians down and sunk the flag in shame —
I dreamed it twenty years ago — a dream of destiny —
The pictures from a future grand flashed back at night to me
And is it our fate that we’ll wake too late to the truth that we were blind?
With a foreign foe at our harbour gate and a blazing drought behind!
~ Henry Lawson, The Ministry of Men; In the Storm That is to Come

Destiny magazine, issue 7

“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice.
It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”
~ William Jennings Bryan

Destiny magazine, issue 6

  • Globalisation – At what price?
    Andrew Phillips discusses the implications of globalisation for Australia and the negative effects of so-called “free trade” agreements.
  • Are our politicians aiming for an Asian future?
    Andrew Guild reveals that, under the Labor government of Kevin Rudd, Australia is now on the receiving end of the highest amount of immigration from Asia in our country’s history.
  • Success can be achieved
    [A look at the successes of various patriotic parties overseas.]
  • The Australian idea
    Robert Fraser commemorates Australia Day 2009, celebrating the 221st anniversary of the birth of the Australian People, by reviewing the life of Arthur Phillip, Australia’s first Governor, and comparing his ideas to those of the Establishment who rule our nation today.
  • The Howard years from a nationalist perspective
    Adrian Barnett reviews The Howard Legacy: Displacement of Traditional Australia from the Professional and Managerial Classes by Dr. Peter Wilkinson.
  • A social co-operative movement for Nationalists
    Mark Wilson from the Australian Protectionist Party lays out an idea for a co-operative patriotic social movement.
  • Quotes of note
    [Quotes on immigration and liberalism in Western societies]
  • On the Path to Nowhere
    Dennis Kastros reviews the movie Pathfinder: The Legend of the Ghost Warrior, a “politically correct” film which is an example of the “white guilt” message so often peddled by film-makers in Hollywood — providing yet another instance of anti-White racism.
  • Red tape by the roll
    Some verse by Brian McRae on the continual interference by governments into the lives of everyday people. An indictment of the modern “nanny state”.
  • The wise dog on the tuckerbox
    Some verse that condemns the way in which so much of Australia has been bought up by foreign interests.
  • The Best from the West
    An interview with Graeme Campbell, past Member of Parliament for Kalgoorlie. During his time in parliament he was often described as the Maverick from Western Australia (although his enemies called him the Pest from the West). This continues our series of interviews, giving readers new information from different political viewpoints.
  • A silly wrong by Billabong
    Andrew Guild criticises the decision of the Billabong clothing company to not use an Australian as its main model for its worldwide advertising campaign.
  • Australia takes a Swan dive
    Darrin Hodges looks at the damage being done to the Australian economy, with our manufacturing resources relocating to Asia and with a government that seems inept at best.
  • Policing issues (part two)
    Terry Odgers continues his discussion on matters of concern regarding the police force and the many problems that stem from a lack of understanding of practical policing issues by the police hierarchy and their political masters in government.
  • Biker rights get run over
    Mark Aldridge puts forward a critical view of some aspects of police operations and warns about “police state” tactics happening in South Australia.
  • Letters to Destiny

Destiny magazine, issue 5

  • A festival of kindred spirits
    Mark Wilson shares his experiences of attending the biggest pro-European Identity gathering in Britain – the Red White & Blue Festival, an annual event organised by the British National Party.
  • The Youth – The Movement!
    Tommy Johnson writes on the future of Australian youth, the problems they face, and their right to preserve their ethnic identity, culture and heritage.
  • For the greater good
    An interview with Richard Barnbrook, the British National Party’s representative on the Greater London Assembly. This continues our series of interviews with people from different political movements and organisations.
  • Public health – Yet another need for CIR
    Andrew Phillips discusses the need for Citizens Initiated Referenda to enable people to influence government decisions on policies that affect their local communities.
  • The British connection
    Continuing this issue’s focus on Australia’s relationship with the British Isles, Andrew Guild looks at some aspects of the British influence on Australian culture and our way of life.
  • Professor Fraser speaks out
    An interview with Professor Andrew Fraser, retired from Macquarie University. This continues our series of interviews, giving our readers new information from different political viewpoints.
  • The election of Barack Hussein Obama
    Mark Wilson gives his view on the recent US presidential election.
  • Global economic crisis threatens Australia’s future
    Darrin Hodges discusses the current economic crisis and its effects upon Australia.
  • Middle Eastern crime in Australia
    An exposé of the problems our nation is experiencing with crime from certain elements of those of Middle Eastern (predominantly Muslim) ethnicity.
  • Water Fuel meetings
    Adrian Barnett looks at the public interest now being shown in developing fuel alternatives.
  • Kevin Rudd – Say sorry to me!
    N.B. Smith brings a different viewpoint to the controversy over the apology to the “stolen generation” and asks why the government does not extend the same courtesy to people of all races in Australia.
  • Quotes of note
    [Quotes on patriotism, freedom, and ethnic identity in some Western societies.]
  • Media success in election campaign
    Darrin Hodges comments on the recent NSW council elections.
  • Policing issues
    Terrence Odgers discusses matters of concern regarding the police force, the effects of the Wood Royal Commission, and their impact upon present-day policing and services to the public.
  • More quotes of note
    [Quotes on multiculturalist hypocrites in Western societies.]
  • Letters to Destiny

Destiny magazine, issue 4

Destiny magazine, issue 3

Destiny magazine, issue 2

Destiny magazine, issue 1

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