Middle Eastern crime in Australia

An exposé of the problems our nation is experiencing with crime from certain elements of those of Middle Eastern (predominantly Muslim) ethnicity.

For some time now a handful of ex police officers, like Tim Priest who was a Detective Sergeant in the NSW Police Force, have been writing and lecturing to any one who wishes to listen on the rise of Middle Eastern Crime (MEC) in this country.

Most ‘aware’ officers working in and around Sydney during the mid to late 1990s became familiar with the type of crime that Middle Eastern gangs were starting to concentrate on such as vehicle theft, armed robbery and smash and grab raids.

Any police force is only as good as the information its intelligence services can gather on organized crime or criminals in general. The downside, of course, when collating reliable information for which police act on, is the amount of time taken to gather that information.

While there was an awareness at Senior Police level, of the rise of crime related incidents involving Middle Eastern gangs before the Royal Commission of 1996 was convened, it was the advent of that Commission that put the investigation of these gangs onto the back burner.

Senior Police decided that until the fallout from the Commission had been fully assessed nothing further was to be done.

This action on the part of Senior Police was a huge mistake, as the squad that would have been tasked with combating MEC was disbanded on the recommendation of Justice Wood, who headed the Commission. This recommendation by Wood has since, had far reaching consequences for the performance of the NSW Police. The loss of this squad very effectively nobbled any investigative knowledge that the police had at this time on criminals of all ‘colors’.

This ill thought out action of dismantling the states foremost crime fighting unit gave rise to MEC throughout Sydney and wherever these gangs chose to commit crimes, or for the fun of it, just generally harass the non-Muslim population.

During the latter part of the 1990s a tactic of the MEC gangs was to taunt and intimidate lone police officers, usually Highway Patrol officers who normally work as ‘Alpha’ units (Alone).

I found it was not uncommon to be working a shift and have to respond to an ‘officer backup’ call, where earlier, a Highway Patrol officer may have pulled over a lone driver for a minor traffic offence, only to find within minutes that he/she would be surrounded by several vehicles carrying groups of young Middle Eastern men who would begin to hurl abusive and offensive remarks aimed at that officer in order to intimidate them into retreating.

While police at that time had no power to move groups of persons on, who were deemed to be causing trouble, and the younger police, some fresh out of the College of Knowledge, would stand around and be intimidated by these would-be thugs, my favorite trick with these people, was to retrieve the Traffic Infringement Notice book from the police vehicle and begin defecting the trouble makers cars. This action usually had the desired effect and the trouble makers would soon disperse leaving the highway officer to do his job.

Another tactic the MEC gangs took up, was breaking into police vehicles while the officers were attending to ‘jobs’ away from the vehicle.

Police equipment stolen over several thefts included body armour, hand-held radios and even a Glock 9mm pistol from a detective’s car. Some officers had shirts stolen from their clothes line.

None of these items has ever been recovered.

During mid 1999 a McDonalds Restaurant located in Southern Sydney came under siege by a group of young Arabic speaking men who, just prior to closing time, entered the restaurant and began to intimidate the restaurant’s last-minute diners by pushing and shoving them or by knocking their food onto the floor.

When staff tried to intervene, the Muslims began to pelt them with the diners’ discarded food which forced the staff, mostly female, to retreat into a back room and call police.

Meanwhile, the aggressive Muslims set about trashing the restaurant doing hundreds of dollars worth of damage.

A large contingent of police arrived, including the Dog Squad, who set about arresting those offenders that still remained on the premises.

Several scuffles broke out between police and Muslims, and several officers suffered minor injuries. Those that were arrested were conveyed back to Sutherland Police station and charged with numerous offences.

You may be thinking, that’s great they got the bad guys! But wait, there’s more!

Following the Wood Royal Commission the NSW Government put in place a very complex and intrusive complaint system within the NSW Police. In short, anyone could call in anonymously and complain about a police officer.

All complaints had to be acted on by a Duty Officer and let me add here, that the Duty Officer position was so new at this time, that some of these officers weren’t even aware of their responsibilities. Even complaints from an offender recently arrested, had to be dealt with. This most ridiculous system led to a very dangerous situation following the siege at McDonalds.

While Sutherland police were busily processing the offending Muslims the station came under a barrage of phone calls from family members of those being charged. As anyone knows who has dealt with these people, they know how to ‘utilize’ any system to their advantage.

Complaints of police mistreatment at the hands of the arresting officers were so numerous that calls had to be diverted to other stations.

But to really underscore this silly complaint system, some of the Muslim family members began to call the emergency number 000 which then effectively tied up Southern Sydney’s Emergency Network for more than two hours.

Any REAL emergency calls, that were lucky enough to get through, had to be dealt with by either mobile phone or portable radio. It was just plain luck that no-one lost their life waiting for an ambulance.

But, to really add insult to injury to a police officer’s job, on their day in Court, the Counsel for the offenders accused the arresting officers of police brutality against his clients — even citing one offender, who had allegedly been bitten by the police dog.

The offenders now became the victims as the sitting Magistrate dismissed the police case against them, then ordered an investigation into police conduct at the McDonalds incident. This spineless keeper of our laws refused to even read the evidence.

One can only imagine the dismay of those police officers who, having sworn to uphold the law and protect the people and their property in the State of New South Wales, and had done so on the night in question, were now being singled out for investigation which could lead to possible charges. Buster Keaton couldn’t have written a better comedy!

The NSW Police Association (Police Union) now became involved in this matter and vowed to fight the Magistrate’s decision all the way to the Supreme Court. The Secretary of the Police Association promised industrial action if any of the officers involved in the McDonalds incident were to face charges.

After an Internal Affairs investigation all police involved in this now farcical stand-off between the Police Force and the Judiciary and Government, were cleared of any wrongdoing.

Although that silly complaint system was soon after modified to exclude anonymous complaints, which now have to be made in person, in my opinion it was not modified enough!

In 2000, an unprecedented intimidatory act was committed by a member of a MEC gang who shot nine rounds from a handgun, thought to be a police issue Glock 9mm, into Lakemba police station which narrowly missed the desk officer and two other officers near him.

The person thought to be responsible for that incident fled the country to Lebanon, on his dual citizenship passport, when he thought that police were getting too close to him. However, he was soon arrested by authorities there for another unrelated matter and is currently serving time in that country’s prison system.

In 2002, a series of rapes were perpetrated on several young women in the Sydney area. Police soon picked up on the ‘modus operandi’, as with most crimes of this nature there is a common thread which links them all together.

These rapes were being committed by members of a gang of young Muslim men who would pack rape and taunt their victims and force them into degrading acts whilst uttering racial slurs, such as ‘Aussie Pig’.

The offenders readily identified themselves as Lebanese to their victims. In fact, they were proud of it! All members of this gang have now been locked up and are serving very lengthy prison sentences. Some would say not long enough!

In December 2005, following many years of intimidation and taunts by young Muslim men aimed at young Australian men and women, whose only crime was to enjoy themselves on a warm sunny day as countless generations have done before them at the beach, a crowd of local young people gathered to protest this recurrent problem and voice their concern to the authorities.

Unfortunately, some people began to consume alcoholic beverages and began to take their frustrations out on anyone who looked to be Lebanese. While I don’t personally condone this type of protest and subsequent behaviour, it has to be understood, that this problem had been ongoing for years and regardless of the locals’ concerns, the authorities, including the police, did absolutely nothing about it.

While the large crowd, assembled on that day, hurled empty beer bottles and other handy weapons at police and ambulance officers out of sheer frustration, another group of young men were being primed in their local Mosque for some retaliation against those who lived in the suburb of Cronulla and surrounding areas.

Over the next three nights, people living in those areas were the victims of, or witness to, some of the most violent and destructive actions by any group of individuals that has been witnessed in this country since the Second World War.

The police and the authorities to their everlasting shame stood back and let it happen! As an ex cop and a proud Australian I have never felt so ashamed in all my life as I did at this time.

One young male nearly lost his life and was left with a large knife embedded in his back while trying to defend two females from these gutless monsters.

A father of three young children was beaten senseless with a baseball bat and now has brain damage, just because he was putting out his garbage for collection.

There was thousands of dollars worth of damage done to motor vehicles and other personal and public property.

Then these Muslim thugs just melted back into their own community and have never been brought to justice!

While the media and the authorities have named and shamed those young Australian men who were caught up in the so-called “Cronulla Riot”, not one Muslim has been dealt with who was involved in the payback raids, which for sheer violence, went far beyond that which had originally occurred on the actual riot day.

This is the society that we now live in where individuals have more rights than society in general and minorities like the Muslims are protected and can do no wrong according to our governments.

The MEC gangs of today are involved in every kind of crime imaginable. In society they are over represented in crime statistics and in the jails.

The crimes they are involved in cost this state and this nation billions of dollars annually and it is only now that a squad has been put in place to combat them.

Young Muslim men are notorious for creating incidents against non-Muslim men and women who on reacting to taunts from the Muslim suddenly find themselves confronting several armed and very aggressive males.

Young Australian men have been murdered simply because they have reacted to insults aimed at them by young Muslim males.

Off-duty police have been assaulted and even murdered simply because they felt it their duty to intervene in a crime in progress that they inadvertently stumbled upon.

Never before in our history have we been witness to the viciousness and wanton violence that the young Muslim is prepared to deal out to unsuspecting Australians, regardless of age or sex.

We are now witness to the future of this country, unless we can halt all Muslim immigration — and we need to do this now.

Having given you all the bad news, I now wish to present you with some good news.

“Masked robbery Kaled Dib shot dead by guard had criminal past”. (Source: Daily Telegraph).

It appears that a gang of three armed and masked men were about to hold up an Armaguard Armored Van on Tuesday 19 August 2008 at a Sydney location. But one of the robbers got the shock of his life — or would have got the shock of his life when he passed on to the afterlife to meet his maker and find out that those 72 virgins and young boys had all been taken by numerous other martyrs who had preceded him!

This boofhead made towards one of the guards who was standing outside the van. On approaching the guard the robber was challenged and in response raised the shotgun he was carrying, aiming it at the guard.

I guess he thought that this act of intimidation would cower the guard. The guard however, maintained his composure and retaliated by placing a well aimed shot from his Smith and Wesson .38 revolver into the would-be robber’s chest, killing him almost instantly.

Following this reversal of fortune, the remaining robbers picked up their mortally-wounded comrade and bundled him into their getaway truck and headed for Auburn hospital (for those who are not in the know, Auburn is Muslim territory).

There they quickly shoved their now-dead comrade onto the Emergency Department of the hospital, whose staff called police when they noticed the bullet hole in the lifeless body before them.

Police were quickly on the scene and cordoned off the entrance, because they knew what was coming next. A crowd of around 50 Muslims descended on the hospital demanding that police release the body of their ‘the best bloke’ for a Muslim funeral.

I personally believe that they should have all been locked up for having known this scumbag. But I guess “innocent until proven guilty” and all that, wink, wink, nudge, nudge!

It appeared that police at the door were having little effect trying to move the crowd on until the police dogs arrived. Now, we all know how much the Muslims hate dogs. Watch the video, it’s good!

Who’s for signing a petition for that guard? He deserves a medal!

Suggested further reading:
The Rise of Middle Eastern Crime in Australia by Tim Priest

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