Mark Wilson analyses the outcome of the 2007 federal election and its implications for the future of the nationalist movement in Australia.
The consensus among Protectionist organisers before the 2007 federal election was that a win by Kevin Rudd and the Labor Party would be a good thing for the patriotic movement, because the greatest obstacle to our growth for the last 12 years has been Johnny Howard’s phony nationalism. With him out of way, it will be much easier for the public to identify the government as the enemy.
Rudd won’t do a Tampa (as Howard did in 2001), Rudd won’t speak out against the level of Asian immigration (as Howard did in 1988); on the contrary, Rudd welcomes Asians and other Third Worlders with open arms and a smug grin, whilst beaming with a warm fuzzy glow.
There were many Australian patriots who believed that John Howard was being “clever” when he retracted his comments against Asian immigration in 1995, but that his fundamental beliefs were the same as ours. The fact is, Howard had them duped, just like Margaret Thatcher duped the British back in 1979 with a similar trick.
Rudd won this election mainly on workers’ rights, with a sprinkling of anti-Iraq War sentiment, on both of which we agree with him, as did many voters; however, Rudd will use his win as a mandate for his Sinophile One-World fantasy, and that’s where the public will depart from him. Yes, there will be a honeymoon period for Rudd, but when it’s over I believe that he and his obsessive foreign fetishes and anti-traditional Aussie policies will soon show how out-of-touch and how dangerous he and his agenda really are.
Now when you add to the mix the economic slow-down with peak oil supplies reached or about to be reached, depending on who you believe, with oil just under $100 a barrel, interest rates rising, and the stock market looking shaky – and if these trends continue, as I believe they will – there are going to be a lot of disaffected people who are also in financial trouble.
With John Howard gone, Brendan Nelson and the new Liberal leadership are extremely unlikely to emulate Howard regarding immigration issues. The Liberal Party is in internal turmoil and a challenge for the leadership is to be expected.
We can now see the Liberal Party moving to the left. Malcolm Turnbull has said that if he becomes leader he will say “sorry” to the Aborigines; apparently trying to outdo Rudd with white guilt credentials.
Tony Abbott has left open the possibility of later making a bid to become Liberal leader; but it should be remembered that he was the front man for the so-called “Australians For Honest Politics”, which was a shadowy group, financed by behind-the-scenes business figures, whose sole aim was to destroy Pauline Hanson and One Nation and all that they stood for – all as part of implementing their Globalist agenda.
With worrying economic problems and with no credible Liberal leadership on the scene willing to play the race card, there will be a political vacuum waiting to be filled. What remains to be seen is who will fill it. I believe that it will be us. It is going to take sustained hard work, but it is do-able. We are looking at how the Swiss People’s Party and the British National Party and other Euro-Nationalists have positioned themselves to be credible and relevant, and we are doing the same.
The Australian Protectionist Party is a new venture that was created mainly as a result of the departure of many of the leadership of APP from another party, because of the frustration caused by having people in leadership roles who were completely out of their depth and in some cases out of touch with reality, who were tied to failed strategies and would not or could not change their act. With that in mind it is a breath of fresh air to be free to discuss new strategies that might get us out of the mess that we are in.
Firstly, most of what we do must be new. We must be ready to adapt to changes in circumstance; remaining committed to failed strategies is simply not an option for us. There are many good patriotic people in Australia already working within various other groups and parties; to me it is a crime not to reach out to them and extend the hand of friendship, not because we want to take them over, but because we believe that if we can work together we can move forward together. We should not be competing against each other; instead, we should help one another and act as a movement.
The last thirty years or so of patriotic struggle has proved beyond a doubt that a political party alone is doomed to failure. We need a fresh approach. As the multiculti regime moves to block us when we have success in one area we must adapt and move forward in other areas; we must present a moving target; we must be everywhere.
Obviously, we are a political party and we need to stand in elections. However, our members need to be active in many other areas as well as elections; for instance, we need to be active on school boards, local cultural societies and local events; we need to be involved in community demos, residents’ associations, youth groups, etc. Being involved in such areas is what it means to be part of a movement that is hard to stop, and then we can start to win.
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