Australian Protectionism – A politically central position

Andrew Phillips considers the issues of Left-Right politics and places sensible nationalism in the centre of the political spectrum. With the rapid growth experienced by the Australian Protectionist Party over the last 12 months combined with the increased media attention paid to its spokesmen, there has naturally been a vigorous discussion as to where our […]

Quotes of note — threats to democracy

“In Australia, however, your right to know has never before been under so much pressure, as governments, bureaucracies and courts have all endeavoured to limit the amount of information that should be provided to the public. … The message is that democracy can be corrupted when dissenting voices are silenced.” ~ editorial “Guarding Freedom”, Gold […]

Swiss vote empowers democracy

Andrew Guild writes on the success of the Swiss minaret referendum. In a display of popular public concern, the Swiss people have voted to ban the construction of minarets in their country, making the ruling a part of their national constitution. With 57.5% of the people voting in favour of the ban, it was a […]

The dereliction of democracy in Australia

Darrin Hodges talks about the (lack of) opposition response to the Rudd government and how the Liberal Party no longer represents a viable opposition – thus denying true democracy to the people. Kevin Rudd’s “Sorry Day” speech and the way he successfully co-opted the so-called Opposition and subsequent “Opposition” back downs over the Pacific Solution […]

Increasing democracy in Australia: A plan to introduce far greater democracy into our current system of parliamentary representation

Andrew Guild writes on some of the inequalities in our current system of democracy, and proposes a new system of Actual-Number Representation with Optional List Voting (ANROLV) combined with Citizens’ Initiated Referendums to help remedy the situation. A Discussion on Democracy The concept of true democratic representation is where every citizen can meet to discuss […]