An interview with Andrew Phillips, the National President of the Australian Protectionist Party. In future editions of Destiny, we hope to publish interviews with other political organisations. 1. What motivates you in politics? The motivation to be involved in politics naturally varies from person to person and the motivation for continued involvement can change for […]
Archives for December 2007
Is Asianisation genocide of the Australian People?
Darrin Hodges exposes the traitors from both sides of politics who have effectively overridden the will of the people and are pushing an “Asian Future” upon the Australian nation. The issue of Asianisation may no longer be an issue of immigration. Even if we stopped Asian immigration tomorrow, we could still become Asianised – it […]
Swiss nationalists dominate elections
Patriots in Switzerland show that political successes can be achieved. The Swiss People’s Party (the Schweizerische Volkspartei, or SVP) has received the highest vote ever recorded in Switzerland’s history in that country’s October 2007 elections. The SVP won 29% of the vote, making it the biggest party in the country. Now having 62 of the […]
Future prospects for Australian Protectionists
Mark Wilson analyses the outcome of the 2007 federal election and its implications for the future of the nationalist movement in Australia. The consensus among Protectionist organisers before the 2007 federal election was that a win by Kevin Rudd and the Labor Party would be a good thing for the patriotic movement, because the greatest […]
Letters to Destiny
Congratulations! Destiny magazine is really fantastic! Its production does you all credit. It is this sort of professionalism that nationalism in Australia has been lacking for a long time. I look forward to getting my next copy. ~ J. Power Reply: Many thanks for the kind words. We hope that Destiny will prove to be […]
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